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With the Lenten season kicking off and new discipleship opportunities beginning, there are lots of ways for you to Know Christ, Grow in Christ, and Go with Christ at Wentworth in March!


Ash Wednesday Service

Join us for a special contemplative service on Ash Wednesday (March 5th, 6pm) as we mark the beginning of Lent together. For more information, contact Pastor Seán or Pastor Jan.

Study: "The Chosen" Watch party

Join us at the church building every Friday morning at 10 am, from March 7th to April 11th, as we focus our attention on the life of Christ dramatized in the series "The Chosen." The watch party will include a time of discussion after each episode, and by focusing on Christ we hope this time together will prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter. For more information, contact Pastor Jan.

Church Prayer

Join us for an evening of prayer on March 16th, from 6:30 pm–8 pm. This will also include a potluck supper beginning at 5:30pm (details below). For more information, contact Pastor Seán.

Sunday (Evening) Potluck 

Sunday, March 16th is Communion Sunday. In the early church, communion was celebrated as part of a meal where the entire church community ate and fellowshipped together. In recognition of this, we host potlucks every communion Sunday. This month, our potluck will be held in conjunction with an evening prayer service, so come to the church for a 5:30pm potluck dinner and stay afterward for a time of extended prayer for our Church, community, country, and the Kingdom of God. Note: Due to severe allergies, please refrain from utilizing tree nuts or peanuts in your dish.

Study: Understanding and Engaging Culture

This month, we are beginning a special study that will help us better understand our culture and how it is shaping us—for good and for ill. The study will help us develop a biblical theology of culture and see the currents underlying many important topics of conversation and debate within our Canadian culture and beyond. Join us at the church building for the first session on March 27th at 7pm. For more information, contact Pastor Seán. 

Kingdom Come Banquet/Party

On March 29th from 4pm to 8pm, come to the church for a "Kingdom Come" party where we will experience a taste of the Kingdom of God. Below is a message from Ruth, who is organizing the party:

"As some of you may know I've started studying at McMaster Divinity College. One of my courses is Biblical Interpretation and I have a project I'm working on: Revelation 19 has caught my attention. I'm struck by the image of the wedding banquet that believers will be invited to. I can't help but think of words by Jesus that say, "the Kingdom of God is within you." This gave me the idea to host a wedding banquet at Wentworth on March 29th. Wouldn't it be special to have a foretaste of what we are waiting for as the body of Christ?

In truth I can't do it on my own. We all have talents given to us. What can we each contribute as an offering of worship to be part of the feast and glorify God? Maybe it's a dish you'd like to bring for a potluck. A piece of music you'd like to perform, a dessert, a piece of art you'd like to display. Decorating the sanctuary in the theme of a banquet? Something that I have not even thought to mention but that God places on your heart? I'm excited to see how it all comes together as we focus on using all we've been gifted with to share/ fellowship with one another as a unified body who celebrates our Savior. Most of all I would love this to be something the children at our church also feel invited to participate in."

If you would like more information about this event, you may speak to Ruth or Pastor Seán. A sign-up sheet will be available on Sunday mornings to let us know who plans to attend and what "gifts" you plan to bring for this party.

Lenten Playlist

Below is a playlist of music curated by Pastors Seán and Jan that can be used as devotional music during the season of Lent.